Sabtu, 03 November 2018

Copywriting Task 1

This persuasion technique tries to link a product, service, or idea with something
already liked or desired by the target audience, such as fun, pleasure, beauty, security, intimacy,

success, wealth, etc. Several of the persuasion techniques below, like. Beautiful people, Warm & fuzzy, Symbols and Nostalgia, are specific types of association.

Many ads show lots of people using the product, implying that "everyone is doing
it" (or at least, "all the cool people are doing it").

Beautiful people uses good-looking models (who may also be celebrities) to
attract our attention.

This technique tries to persuade us to buy a product by promising to give us something
else, like a discount, a rebate, a coupon, or a "free gift.” Sales, special offers, contests, and
sweepstakes are all forms of bribery.


We tend to pay attention to
famous people. That’s why they’re famous! Ads often use celebrities to grab our attention.

We rely on experts to advise us about things that we don’t
know ourselves. Scientists, doctors, professors and other professionals often appear in ads and

advocacy messages, lending their credibility to the product, service, or idea being sold.

Something is "explicit" if it is directly, fully, and/or clearly expressed or
demonstrated. For example, some ads state the price of a product, the main ingredients, where it
was made, or the number of items in the package – these are explicit claims. So are specific,
measurable promises about quality, effectiveness, or reliability.

This is the opposite of the Association technique. It uses something disliked or feared by
the intended audience (like bad breath, failure, high taxes or terrorism) to promote a "solution.”

Many ads use humor because it grabs our attention and it’s a powerful persuasion
technique. When we laugh, we feel good. Advertisers make us laugh and then show us their product
or logo because they’re trying to connect that good feeling to their product.

The language of ads is full of intensifiers, including superlatives (greatest, best, most,
fastest, lowest prices), comparatives (more, better than, improved, increased, fewer calories),
hyperbole (amazing, incredible, forever), exaggeration, and many other ways to hype the product.

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2018

My Interest

Actually i like guitar and i want learn about guitar so,i bought a guitar for practice my skill. And i was at Junior High School i took guitar exctracurricular and i a little bit learn about guitar. But when i was at Senior High School i didn't follow guitar extracurricular because i focus for PTN so i did not took guitar lesson. So i have a guitar and the guitar not used anymore. Some day i will practice my guitar in my home or learn in course.
That is all and thank you.             

Rabu, 26 September 2018


Hi, this is my first blog. My name is Nabila Chairunisa Amin, i am 17 years old and i was second child of two siblings. And then i still have a mother but my father has passed away in July. But with an incident like that doesn't mean I give up what I want to achieve, however we must fight our sadness and back to our real lives. Actually this is my first time to write in here, because i'm a little weak of writing, this is really my first for write in my blog. 
I'm a student from Gunadarma University, Faculty of Literature and Culture,English Literature Deparment. I'm a new student in this University and i'm intrested learn about English and i want my English can develop. Sorry i can just until here because i'm not good in writing and i have to study hard and more exercises about English. And i wish my English can get wider.
                           Sorry if there are wrong words because i'm still learning.