Rabu, 26 September 2018


Hi, this is my first blog. My name is Nabila Chairunisa Amin, i am 17 years old and i was second child of two siblings. And then i still have a mother but my father has passed away in July. But with an incident like that doesn't mean I give up what I want to achieve, however we must fight our sadness and back to our real lives. Actually this is my first time to write in here, because i'm a little weak of writing, this is really my first for write in my blog. 
I'm a student from Gunadarma University, Faculty of Literature and Culture,English Literature Deparment. I'm a new student in this University and i'm intrested learn about English and i want my English can develop. Sorry i can just until here because i'm not good in writing and i have to study hard and more exercises about English. And i wish my English can get wider.
                           Sorry if there are wrong words because i'm still learning.

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